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Vol. 4, No. 2 (2017)

From the following link you can download the abstracts of the articles included in the last issue: Abstracts Vol. 4, No. 2 (2017).


Studies and Articles

Oksana Minaeva

Iconography of Power of the Pagan Bulgarian Ruler: Images, Symbolism and Tradition…..5

Iakovos Menelaou

Byzantine Satire: The Background in the Timarion…..53

Şerban George Paul Drugaş

Living Water (Abur) – A Possible Lexical Connection between Romanian, Albanian and Basque…..67

Cristian Constantin

Brăila at the End of the Nineteenth Century. The Report of Vice-Consul William J. Norcop on the Year 1899…..89

Antonio Manuel Tudorache

Party Education, Propaganda Instrument for the Collectivization in Romania. Case Study: Argeș Region (1950–1952)…..99

Cristina Elena Brăgea

État et Religion : Une Réflexion Autour de la Gestion du Religieux en Roumanie [State and Religion: Managing the Religious Sphere in Romania]…..109

Vol. 4, No. 1 (2017)

From the following link you can download the abstracts of the articles included in the last issue: Abstracts Vol. 4, No. 1 (2017).



Andrei Pogăciaş

The Dacian Society – Fierce Warriors and Their Women Sources and Representations……….5

Zina Uzdenskaya

The Domestication of an Itinerant Object: The True Cross Reliquary from the Louvre Museum……….23

Carmen Alexandrache

At the „Margin” of the Romanian Pre-Modern Society. The Jews……….41

Andrei Vasiliu

Perspectives for Researching British Appeasement of Nazi Germany in the Inter-War Years Using the Digitized Newspaper Collections of the British Library……….47

Artur Lakatos & András Kosztur

Global Politics, Regional Competition: Great Power Politics in Central Asia……….61



Marco Cassioli

Cronaca di Costantino Manasse, parte I: traduzione dallo slavone mediobulgaro, note e indice dei nomi propri di Maria Osman Zavera e Olga Stoicovici, edizione e prefazione di Duşiţa Ristin; parte II: versione in slavone mediobulgaro, testo di Ioan Bogdan, pubblicazione postuma di Ioan Bianu, Bucarest, 1922; Bucarest, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2015, X + 360 pp……….77

Vladimir Creţulescu

Time and Culture/Temps et culture. Selected papers presented at the International Society for Cultural History (ISCH) Conference organised in September 2015 at the University of Bucharest, eds. Ecaterina Lung, Étienne Bourdon, Christopher Heath, Laurence Shee, Cecile Vallée, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2017, 488 pp……….83

Zoltán Eperjesi

Ian Kershaw: Höllensturz: Europa 1914 bis 1949. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt; Auflage: 5, München, 2016, 768 pp……….87

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