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Tag Archives: St. Cyril and Methodius


Vol. 6, No. 2 (2019)


Studies and Articles

Y. Yakovyshyna, R. Koropetskyi, N. Bulyk, O. Sytnyk

Influences of Sites of Trypillia BI – Cucuteni A4 Stages on the Establishing of Styles of Panting of Ceramic Ware of Zalischyky Group of Trypillia ВI–ВII Stages (Upper and Middle Dnister Region)…..5

Oleksandr Okhrimenko, Stanislav Voloshchenko

Between the Man’s Hands and God’s Eyes: The Psalter of 1437 from the Collection of the Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine…..21

Esilda Luku

Why Did Albanians and their Collaborationist Governments Rescue Jews during the Holocaust?…..33

Veselina Uzunova

Bulgaria and the United States in the 60s – from Confrontation to Détente a Cold War Case Study…..51

Book Reviews

Corina Iosif

Florica Mihuţ Bohalţea, Building a House in Rural Romania before and after 1989 (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019), 124 pp, ISBN-13:978-1-5275-3453-7, ISBN-10:1-5275-3453-7, £58.99…..59


Vol. 6, No. 1 (2019) click to download


Studies and Articles

Valentina Šoštarić (Zovko)

Negative Emotions in Action two Examples from the 15th Century Ragusan Diplomacy…..5

Iryna Hnidyk

Central and Eastern Europe in European Unity Vision of St. John Paul II through Heritage of St. Cyril and Methodius…..17

Anna-Marina Katsigianni

Identities on the Go: Homelands And Languages In Balkan And Turkish–Cypriot Literature…..29

Claudia Mănguță Rusu

Aspects of Romanian Consular Diplomacy in Two Scandinavian Countries in the First Decades of the Communist Rule…..45

Srđan Mladenov Jovanović

Confronting Recent History: Media in Serbia During Aleksandar Vučić’s Ministry of Information in the Milošević Era (1998–1999)…..61

Book Reviews

Mircea Măran

SEBASTIAN–DRAGOŞ BUNGHEZ, Parlamentul şi politica externă a României (1899–1914), Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2018, 458 p., ISBN 978-606-543-937-5, 55 lei…..75

Current Issue: Vol. 11, No. 2 (2024)

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