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Vol. 7, No. 2, 2020

Studies and Articles

Thracians in the Second Macedonian War (200–197 B.C.) (pp. 109-121)
Jordan Iliev

Spices on the Edges of the Empire. A Pepper Pot from Roman Histria (pp. 122-143)
Alexandra Țârlea, Alexandra Lițu, Mircea Dabîca and Iulia Iliescu

The Cult of St. Olaf in the Latin and Greek Churches between the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries (pp. 144-166)

Mihai Dragnea

Between Byzantium and the West: Serbian Marital Policy and Political Orientation (Mid-Eleventh Century – 1371) (pp. 167-196)
Boris Stojkovski

The Inochentism: Faith, Ritual Practices, and Sacred Spaces. New Data and Approaches (pp. 197-225)
Dorina Onica

Book Reviews

Місто Ізмаїл та його фортифікація (за джерелами XVI–XIX ст.) by Мехмет Тютюнджи, Андрій Красножон (pp. 226-229)
Review by: Marco Cassioli

Manuscrisele slavone de la biblioteca filialei Cluj-Napoca a Academiei Române. Studiu monografic şi antologie de texte. Bucharest: Editura Etnologică, 2020, 265 PP. [Anca Libidov. Slavonic Manuscripts in the Library of the Cluj-Napoca Branch of the Romanian Academy. Monographic Study and Anthology of Texts] by Anca Libidov (pp. 229-231)
Review by: Marco Cassioli

Dopo la Grande Guerra Violenza, Stati e Società Tra Adriatico Orientale e Balcani by Alberto Basciani (pp. 232-235)
Review by: Bavjola Shatro

Interwar East Central Europe, 1918–1941: The Failure of Democracy-Building, the Fate of Minorities by Sabrina P. Ramet (pp. 236-237)
Review by: Deletant Dennis

O istorie a companiilor de navigaţie străine de la Dunărea de Jos by Cristian Constantin (pp. 237-239)

Review by: Deletant Dennis

Vol. 7, No. 1, 2020


Studies and Articles

Mobility and Wax Trade in the Black Sea Region: The Merchants of Kilia, 1360–1361 (pp. 1-16)
Marco Cassioli

Architectural Images in Oriental Carpets (pp. 17-32)
Sasha S. Lozanova and Stela Borisova Tasheva

Romanian Public Health Policy in the First Interwar Decade: Parliamentary Proposals for Administration of the Public Health System (pp. 33-52)
Diana-Gabriela Reianu

Emancipation Policy or Propaganda? The Position of Albanian Women under State Socialism (pp. 53-73)
Esilda Luku and Elvin Luku

Countryside Modernized or Traumatized? Rural Mental Health in Hungary after the Collectivization of Agriculture (pp. 74-98)
Gábor Csikós

Book Reviews

Османи на трьох континентах, пер. з турецьк. О. Кульчинського by Ортайли Ільбер (pp. 99-103)
Review by: Ihor Robak and Vodotyka Serhiy

Between Rome and Byzantium: The Golden Age of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania’s Political Culture—Second Half of the Fifteenth Century to the First Half of the Seventeenth Century by Kianupienė, Jūratė (pp. 104-107)
Review by: Martin O. Heisler

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