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Vol. 5, No. 2 (2018)


Studies and Articles

Ecaterina Lung

Procopius of Caesareea’s “History of Wars” and the Expression of Emotions in Early Byzantium ….. 5

Veronica Grecu

La Sainte déguisée en homme. Qu’est-ce qui change dans ce qui change? ….. 25

Luminiţa Diaconu

Heurs et malheurs du cœur, des chansons de geste au planh de Sordel ….. 37

Cristian Constantin

The South Russia in Vision of the Europeans: The British Consular Reports on the Years 1882 and 1883 ….. 49

Book Reviews and Bibliographical Notes

Ana–Maria Răducan

CORINA ANTON, LUMINIŢA DIACONU, IOANA MUNTEANU (eds.). Du Blanc au Noir: les couleurs dans la symbolique médiévale. Bucarest: Éditions de l’Université de Bucarest, collection « Mediaevalia », 8 (2018), 227 p. …..79

Vol. 5, No. 1 (2018)


Studies and Articles:

Jill Mitchell

The Eastern and Western Consulship in the Later Roman Empire …..5

Blagoj Conev

The Byzantinism as a Fundament of the Balkanism …..17

Ana–Maria Lepăr

Short Story of Kiseleff Garden …..33

Milena Katosheva

On some Donations to the Dimitar Dimov House–Museum …..57

Şerban George Paul Drugaş

Etymological Note about Romanian „Raţă” – Albanian „Rosë” …..69

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