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Call for Papers Hiperboreea Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2 (December, 2018)

Call for Papers Hiperboreea Journal
Vol. 5, No. 2 (December, 2018)

Important Dates:

Publication date: Late December, 2018
Last date for submission: December 1, 2018

Hiperboreea (ISSN 2284–5666) is an online academic journal published biannually by the Balkan History Association. The journal publishes articles in the field of History, written in English, French, German or Italian, and book reviews, or evaluations of scholarly conferences. Our focus is the study of Southeastern Europe, broadly defined as the states situated in the Balkan region.

Without limiting its scope a specific historical period or approach, the journal covers a wide range of topics, such as Cultural History, Political History, Military History, Social History, Economic History and Archaeology, and encourages work on any historical period and pluri-disciplinary background.

The following types of papers are considered for publication:

– original articles in basic and applied research;
– critical reviews, surveys, opinions, commentaries and essays.

All manuscripts should be prepared according to our editorial policy (Author Guidelines).

Hiperboreea is one of the few Romanian journals that has built a solid presence in the online environment, being indexed in the following international databases and libraries:

Web of Science database Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), produced by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), now maintained by Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters), EBSCO, Index Copernicus, Scopus, ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, Ulrich, ProQuest East Europe, Central Europe Database, ProQuest Philosophy Database, WorldCat, International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (IBHR), Modern language Association International Bibliography, Bibliographical Information Base in Patristics (BIBP), Regesta Imperii, J-Gate, Romanian Academy Library, National Library of Australia, Oxford Bodleian Library, Harvard Library etc.

The editors will inform authors of the decision on their manuscripts within 1-2 weeks from submission. Starting with 2018, some changes in the editorial policy of Hiperboreea are implemented. Authors will be charged with a symbolic fee, for each article published, regular or special issues. Thus, charges will be applied to authors for the processing and publication of manuscripts submitted to Hiperboreea and online hosting and archiving. The publication fee will be of 11 Euro (50 RON for Romania) per each article. Members of the Balkan History Association will be able to publish for free. All costs will be charged only upon the acceptance of their manuscripts for publication. After publication, each author will receive his article through e-mail as an electronic copy (pdf). All articles can be distributed by the authors for non-commercial purposes, only with the written permission of the Editorial Board. See more details in the section called ‘Submission’.

All articles submitted to our journal are reviewed following a double blind peer-review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. Our standards impose the existence of at least two reviewers per issue, although it is customary that many more peer-reviewers cooperate for individual issues.

To submit your papers, please mail them to terra_mater_2007@yahoo.com

Sharing this call for papers would be welcomed and highly appreciated.

Looking forward to receiving your submission!

Dr. Mihai Dragnea, Editor-in-Chief
President of the Balkan History Association (BHA)

Call for Papers Hiperboreea Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1 (June, 2018)

Hiperboreea Journal, published biannually by the Balkan History Association is seeking original scholarly work by young historians at PhD level and internationally regarded scholars focusing on the history and culture of Southeastern Europe for Vol. 5, No. 1 (June 2018) issue.

The deadline for article manuscript submissions is May 15, 2018; early submissions are, however, strongly encouraged. We are also seeking book reviewers as well as submissions in a number of other categories, including evaluations of scholarly conferences.

For more information, including our guidelines for submission, please visit our website. If you have questions or are interested in submitting your work to us, let us know at terra_mater_2007@yahoo.com

Hiperboreea is one of the few Romanian journals that has built a solid presence in the online environment, being indexed in the following international databases and libraries:

ProQuest Philosophy DatabaseProQuest East Europe, Central Europe DatabaseProQuest CentralProQuest Central K-12J-GateIndex Copernicus, ERIH PLUSUlrich, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), Regesta Imperii, International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance (IBHR), Bibliographical Information Base in Patristics (BIBP), Modern Language Association, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), produced by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), now maintained by Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters), Romanian Academy LibraryNational Library of AustraliaOxford Bodleian LibraryHarvard Library and others.

Publication fees

Starting with 2018, some changes in the editorial policy of Hiperboreea are implemented. Authors will be charged with a symbolic fee, for each article published, regular or special issues. Thus, charges will be applied to authors for the processing and publication of manuscripts submitted to Hiperboreea and online hosting and archiving. The publication fee will be of 11 Euro (50 RON for Romania) per article. Members of the Balkan History Association will be able to publish for free. All costs will be charged only upon the acceptance of their manuscripts for publication. After publication, each author will receive his article through e-mail as an electronic copy (pdf). All articles can be distributed by the authors for non-commercial purposes, only with the written permission of the Editorial Board.

Dialogul culturilor între tradiţie şi modernitate, ediţia a XIX-a

Atașat se află apelul nostru pentru cea de-a XIX-a ediție a simpozionului “Dialogul culturilor între tradiție și modernitate” – Alba Iulia, 2017

Call for Papers Hiperboreea Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1 (June, 2017)

Dear Colleagues,

Hiperboreea invites you for submission of research papers, review papers and survey papers for the June 2017 issue (Volume 4 No. 1). (more…)

Conferința internațională: Mass media în post-comunism: moștenire, evoluție, tendințe

Conferința internațională

Mass media în post-comunism:

moștenire, evoluție, tendințe  (more…)

CULTURA ȘI PRESA ÎN SPAȚIUL EUROPEAN – Gazetari și scriitori în tranșeele Marelui Război



Ordinul ministrului Educației Naționale și Cercetării Științifice nr. 6.129/2016 privind aprobarea standardelor minimale necesare și obligatorii pentru conferirea titlurilor didactice din învățământul superior

Ordinul ministrului Educației Naționale și Cercetării Științifice nr. 6.129/20.12.2016 aprobă standardele minimale necesare și obligatorii pentru conferirea titlurilor didactice din învățământul superior, a gradelor profesionale de cercetare-dezvoltare, a calității de conducător de doctorat și a atestatului de abilitare. Noile standarde minimale, disponibile în anexa ordinului de ministru, pentru fiecare comisie CNATDCU în parte, sunt rezultatul unei ample consultări publice, organizată de Ministerul Educației, în luna noiembrie, pe baza propunerilor elaborate de Consiliul Național pentru Atestarea Titlurilor, Diplomelor și Certificatelor Universitare (CNATDCU).

22e Colloque bilatéral Franco-Roumain en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication

A  P  E  L

Al XXII-lea colocviu bilateral franco-român,

în domeniul științelor informării și ale comunicării


Appel à communication

22e Colloque bilatéral Franco-Roumain

en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication 

Politique et religion au défi de la communication numérique

Université de l’Ouest de Timişoara, 8-10 Juin 2017

CLICK Appel colloque fr_ro 2017_nou (2)

Understanding Transition V – Developing Dialogic Communication

University of Bucharest,
Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies (FJSC)
and Université Lumière Lyon 2


the International Conference

More details in English and French:

Appel a communication – Comprendre la transition V Call_Understanding_Transition_V_2017

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